By Order of the Council:
An Ordinary Meeting of Diddlebury Parish Council will be held at
when members are summoned to attend to deal with the Agenda business.
Apologies to the Clerk please.
Signed: Jean de Rusett, Clerk Dated 16/03/16
Clerk's address: The Grange, Leinthall Earls, Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 9TS
Tel: 01568 770640
1. To record those present and to receive apologies for absence
2. To receive Declarations of Interest relating to this meeting
3. Public involvement session: (Agenda Items Only)
4. Minutes: To approve as a correct record and sign the Minutes of the meeting on 24th February 2016
5. Matters Arising: To deal with matters arising from the Minutes of 24th February 2016 not included elsewhere on the agenda.
6. Reports
6.1 Chairman's Report
6.2 Unitary Cllr Motley's Report
6.3 Other members' Reports
7. Planning applications
7.1 - 16/00914/FUL Application by Mr J Wrigley of Delbury Hall, Diddlebury for the erection of three detached dwellings with separate double garages: modification of access and installation of a septic tank at Shepherds Barn, Corfton. SY7 9LD
7.2 - 16/00915/FUL Application by Mr J Wrigley of Delbury Hall, Diddlebury for the erection of six (6) detached dwellings (including one affordable dwelling), following demolition of former poultry unit and installation of package treatment plant, at the former poultry unit site, Corfton, SY7 9LD.
8. Highways
8.1 Review of highways issues
8.2 Highways Maintenance Officer/possible link with other Parish Council
9. Review of a replacement for the current DPC website
10. Finance:
10.1 Finance Report for March 2016 and approval of cheques to be signed
10.2 Verification of Cash Book./ Bank statements reconciliation
10.3 To award donations for 2015.16
11. Big Lottery Charge over Diddlebury Village Hall
12. Any Other Business (for dissemination of information only)
Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 27th April 2016 - 7.30pm at Diddlebury Village Hall
Click on the document below to read the minutes of this meeting